Have you got fewer marks in the 12th or fewer marks in JEE Exam? Don’t worry! We are here to help you in any way we can for getting admission in Engineering.
In this competitive scenario, we give you the best option for students to get admission in the choice of their college.
Student Satisfaction 96%
Expert Counselors 98%
Best Education Consultancy 94%
Engineering Admissions
We help find the college that will best prepare you for economic and professional success in an increasingly competitive world.
Engineering Counselling
We have the most Experience consultant to get you the lowest budget management quota seats. Professional attitude with transparent services.
Growing with Students
15 Years Of Your Trust
Our reputation precedes our experience in students getting admission to Top Engineering Colleges. Our approach gives you the way to get you your overall value proposition.
We Keep Our Promises
We Listen, You Prosper
Plan, then doOur Services
Our management consultants are trained to provide you with expert advice on any aspect of the college experience.
Small tacticsOur Approach
The services we offer have a comprehensive analysis of the current state of affairs in the educational sphere.
Proof, not promisesOur Results
We are the best at formulating educational plans for all sorts of students to provide the best experience.
Looking for Admission?
Guaranteed Admission for Students
We give you an extra edge for your career as we can give you consultants that provide you with the service to the students and will reach your academic heights.
If you need consultancy, you’ve come to the right place. Enter your details to get correct information about trending courses, and updates on universities and colleges delivered to your inbox.
We help connect students with institutions of higher learning in India that are on the cutting edge of Engineering.
Office No 1001, NANDAN PRO BIZ, Laxman Nagar, Near Balewadi High Street, Baner Pune, Maharashtra - 411045.